
First Anniversary of Diary of a Shoe a Holic!

Happy Friday! I mean Saturday!

This was supposed to go up yesterday but I was moving (again) so it didn’t happen. I was extremely tired. This year has been incredible, I hesitated a lot about blogging and I’m glad I decided to do it because I love it. I want to thank every single one of you who have followed, commented, and liked my posts who have been with me in this journey. I’ve got a couple great opportunities so let’s take a look at the amazing things that happened this year:

+I got to review a pair of Piccadilly shoes sent by the company 🙂 click here to see them I can’t help but walk with pride whenever I wear them

+Adore me, also contacted me and I wrote two posts about them here and here

+I saw someone commented on another blog, recommending mine. Thanks for that!

+Life Hack tips on twitter added me to list “Impressive bloggers” again thanks 🙂

+I was also added on a “bloggers to watch” list on twitter. 🙂

Here are some of my most popular posts this past year:

+My Blair Waldord Shoes

+My studded black pumps

+What’s in my makeup bag

I can’t thank you enough for the support and love I’ve gotten over this year. I’m really glad I started blogging and I hope to keep doing it for a very long time and that I get more amazing opportunities to share with you. Thank you to every single one of you who has ever interacted with the blog and special thanks to the ones spreading the word about my blog around.

Cheers to an amazing first year and many more to come!



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